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Ariège of Yesteryear - Poemes & Diaporama Website L'Arié...Joie

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L’Ariège of Yesteryear


In my mother's country we see countless woods,
Formerly in Ariège, bears lurked in the shadows,
 And the boletus raised their black heads at the foot of the oaks,
Under the wind blowing its harsh gusts,
The water jumps in great waves, minerally pure.

The villages made of granite or schist stones with blue roofs are home to livestock of unparalleled quality and delicious flesh,
Rough peasants live there wildly among these high meats,
Here the resident is happy thanks to his living environment.

                                                         Inspired by the poem Ardennes by Paul Verlaine
                                                      Guy says l’Arié…..Joie




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