Miliana Cherries - Poemes & Diaporama Website L'Arié...Joie

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Miliana the Millennial Berber “filled with riches”

Ah Miliana! Your beauty and your merciful nature have made you famous,
All those who visited you, fell under your spell,
Your crystal clear waters gushed into the swimming pool of the “Beautiful Sources” of yesteryear,
Who didn't know and talk about your lush gardens?

All your trees flowering in spring offered an immense colorful picture,
Your vineyards with varied grape varieties, malaga, ferrana, muscat, tasty,
Your cherry trees with incomparable fruit, your fig trees, olive trees, almond trees,
Their intoxicating scents transformed your countryside into a jeweler's paradise.

Queen of Zaccar, nestled at an altitude of more than 700 m, you taunted the attackers,
Protected by your walls, four doors allowed your access, far from the sea,
To the north, Bab El Blad, the double gate of the main entrance to the city of believers,
To the northwest Bab El Djemaâ, to the west Bab El Gharbi and to the south Bab Yadmer.

The beautiful Emir Abdelkader artery, formerly rue Saint Paul, provides access to the city,
Magnificent avenue with majestic plane trees with their tops forming a mobile canopy,
What shade, what freshness in summer for this pretty little town,
We arrive at the Place de l’Horloge, the minaret of the pre-conquest mosque.

Facing the clock, the Essabat covered passage provides access to the tycoons' district,
In this alley, two doors face each other, the one leading to the Mujahid Museum,
The one opening onto the Abdelkader museum, a beautiful residence in a placid Moorish style,
The emir made it his residence when, in the mid-19th century, he had his garrison in Miliana.

Leaving Essabat, we arrived at the Pointe aux jokeurs esplanade,
Benches were placed throughout this space with protective ramparts,
From this balcony the view looks out over the landscape of the entire Chelif plain,
A beauty, a calm, a serenity to chase away the stress of the day, the love.

The Magenta public garden was in reality a botanical garden, a park of great beauty,
Century-old trees provided shade appreciated by walkers in summer,
A pool with clear waters sheltered exotic fish sneaking between the water lilies,
This made the children happy following their ride with a very interested look.

In the center of the city lies the mausoleum of Sidi Ahmed Ben Youcef, “patron of Miliana”,
The Beni Farh, faithful, continue to honor the saint with their visit, step by step,
Thus, the “rkeb”, at the end of each spring, makes its triumphant entry into the principal city,
Under the shrill ululations of women and rose petals with “baroud and ghaïta”.

Of the ancient city, only a few sections remain, witnesses of what the city once was,
Miliana reminds me of a pirated ship, then abandoned in the middle of the Sabbath sea,
Miliana! May God help you and save you from shipwreck to regain your aura,
“When misfortune reaches people up to their necks, the people of Milan will not go beyond their ankles.

                                                                     Guy says l’Arié…..Joie

Poem inspired by a text by Chérifa Belabbas-Nabi:
Retired French teacher, published by EL WATAN in 2012


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