The Bee People - Poemes & Diaporama Website L'Arié...Joie

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In the land of Maya

Thanks to the fabulous treasure adorned with all the virtues that only they know how to produce,
The bee people lead their secret life in the hive by distributing the roles without fainting,
The foragers have woven a long history with men by offering them their energized honey,
Egyptians, Greeks and Romans worshiped this nectar, a popular food.

The colony is very organized and works as a team around the matriarchal queen,
It is the only fertile and fertilized female in the group, laying 2,000 eggs per day,
It will have a shelf life of 3 to 4 years thanks to its exclusive royal jelly food,
Particularity, it is endowed with a smooth dart, and does not lose its life when it stings always.

For men avoiding getting close to the hives, only the foragers are visible,
But before taking up her duties as a scout, spotting a source of nectar, she will have been,
Forager, guardian, ventilator, nanny and cleaner during his short, painful life,
Can vary from 10 months for the winter bee to 1 month for the summer bee.

About 3 weeks old, the foragers will do about a hundred daily tricks,
To harvest nectar and pollen, running out in full bloom to die in 5 days,
The honey will be their fuel to fly, the pollen will feed the larvae in the adjoining broods,
This rising generation entrusted to the care of nurses, workers of just 6 days.

On the board of flight of the hive, about 15 days old, the guards filter the entrances,
They provide security by controlling the identity of arrivals by their smell,
Verifying that it is not a question of foreigners coming to plunder their reserve or big bucks,
The drones will starve once their reproductive function is complete.

Another function in his career, at the age of 18 days and in case of strong heat,
Flapping her wings relentlessly to renew the ambient air she will play the fans,
Before breaking down she will have been a handler by recovering the resources of the foragers,
Whereas a few days ago, by constructing rays and alveoli, she was a builder.

So called wax bee, she consumed honey to turn it into wax,
Ten grams of honey are needed for the preparation of a gram of wax,
With her mandibles flattening the wax, she makes a wall of extreme thinness,
Producing remarkable hexagonal cell rays of strength, great work.

In winter the hive shelters 6,000 individuals confined in bunch to keep the heat
While in times of plenty, summer for the manufacture of honey, there are 70,000 workers,
On the board of flight of the hive, about 15 days old, the guards filter the entrances,
They control the identity of arrivals by their smell, thus ensuring safety.

They check that it is not a question of foreigners coming to plunder their reserve or big bucks,
The drones will die of hunger once their function completes of breeding,
While the queen is at the peak of the laying, the cells are rare in spring,
Housing crisis forces, the colony divides, the bees move in deafening swarm.

A squadron of 500 experienced scouts is looking for a new habitat,
Each one exploring a new favorable place returns to the swarm to report its report,
They communicate by a long and intense dance according to the criteria of excellence,
An option is acclaimed by the group, the swarm returns to his new home in confidence.



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