The Forest - Poemes & Diaporama Website L'Arié...Joie

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They quit their job one by one
To leave to beat the fire, far from the land where they were born
For a long time they suspected it
Fires and their danger, between pine forest and large thickets

The firefighters were not artisanal
When they babbled mechanically, in a burst without fever
But they all knew about
To kill the restless flames and drown the hare's peat.

Yet how beautiful the forest is, how can we imagine
Seeing a flight of sparks, that the drama has just happened ?

With their helmets on their heads
They had climbed to the top of the hill
No matter the hours, the days
They were all high-born, courageous, adrenaline-intoxicated.

Yet how beautiful the forest is, how can we imagine
Seeing a flight of sparks, that the drama has just happened ?

                                                  Guy l’ARIÉ…..JOIE after Jean Ferrat

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