The new President of the Republic
Emmanuel MACRON
On the road has made the young quadra Emmanuel, the new President MACRON,
Who would have bet on this troublemaker, none of the traditional politicians without exception,
And yet in the first round of the Presidential elimination, HAMON, MÉLENCHON and FILLON,
Finishing first to face Marine LE PEN in the second round without apprehension.
On the evening of May 7, 2017, 2 French out of 3 will designate MACRON as champion,
In front of the pyramid of the Pharaohs, at the sound of the Hymn to Joy, he will taste the ovations,
At the Élysée with his mentor Brigitte Brigitte they will settle,
After SARKOZY and Carla songs, then HOLLAND and Julie escapes.
But the new President must be wary of the "insoumis" advocating the Revolution,
Its reforms to the ordinances which could raise, from Republic to Nation, the rebellion,
Will he, after HOLLAND, redress France as desired by the new generation,
After the Appeal of June 18 will it have a majority to govern without restrictions?
From the Safety of the Mistreated Nation to the Improvement of Culture and Education,
From the Reform of Labor Law to the Improvement of Training and Qualifications,
From Innovation to Democratic Renewal and a Modernization Economy,
Will the Republic in the Marches give France its place in the center of Europe of Nations?
Emmanuel MACRON are many questions ?
L'ARIÉ ... .. JOIE and his Interrogations !