Art by Nature - Poemes & Diaporama Website L'Arié...Joie

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Thirty-six thousand years ago, the Ardèche sheltered the Michel Angel of Prehistory,
Land of men and the first image, famous masterpieces
Cover the walls of the cave adorned with Pont d'Arc, where it all began,
The genius of the creator has painted hundreds of unrivaled zoomorphic scenes.

Lions, panthers, rhinoceros, bears, bison, hunting and fighting scenes,
A gold mine of parietal art offers an exceptional graphic narration,
The panel of horses with striking heads of truth moves by its brilliance,
Going, in the curve of the chamfer, from the bristling of the mane to the folding of the ears.

Between man and animals it is a long history with millennial contours,
Drawn on the walls of the pyramids, chiselled in the stone of the cathedrals,
The bestiary animates the decoration between incarnation of the gods magnified in sculptural art,
Or symbol of vice and virtue evoking the seven deadly sins of the breviary.

The sacred ibis embodied in ancient Egypt, Thot, lunar deity and writing in art,
He also represented the scribes with his beak crescent of the moon and pointed like a feather,
The hawk in majestic flight was attributed to Horus, the protecting divinity of the Pharaohs in costume,
In many medieval decors, carved or painted, the lion will be the incontestable star.

Fascinating or surprising animals have always aroused all sorts of emotions,
Admired or feared, venerated or despised they never leave without reactions,
Woven on the tapestries or engraved in the stone will participate in the teaching of the religions,
Treated symbolically or realistically they are an inexhaustible source of inspiration.

With the romantic nature will become another source of creation,
Sometimes splendid, sometimes terrible, painters and poets enter into communion,
Eternal and immortal refuge, inviting rest or contemplation,
It becomes the mirror of the states of soul of the artist, without restrictions.

"But nature is there that invites you and loves you;
Immerse yourself in her bosom that she always opens
When everything changes for you, nature is the same,
And the same sun rises in your days.

Follow the day in heaven, follow the shadow on the earth;
In the plains of the air flies with the aquilon;
With the gentle ray of the mystery star
Slips through the woods in the shadow of the valley.

Ah! It is there surrounded by a rampart of verdure,
From a narrow horizon that is enough for me,
I like to fix my steps, and, alone in nature,
To hear only the wave, to see only the heavens. "

In his poem "Le Vallon" Alphonse de Lamartine makes nature his natal refuge,
Solitude, reverie, joy, melancholy, anguish, love or admiration,
Nature arouses and exalts the expression of various feelings and emotions,
Theophile Gautier in his poem "Sadness at Sea" saw his evil eternal being there.

Oh ! I feel my heart broken;
The ocean swells, sighing,
His desperate breast,
Like a friend who understands me.

Come, lost love pains,
Tired hopes, illusions
From the ideal base down,
A jump in the moist furrows!

In the sea, past sufferings,
Who always come back, pressing
Your healed wounds
To make them cry of blood! "

Inventing the language of the paintings camped in nature, the Impressionists,
Follow the line of landscape painters outdoors their workshop,
They rely on a very precise observation of the campaign, in artists,
But in the tradition of romanticism, they bring poetry and pampered emotions.

They plant their easels and work with their tube of metal paint, voyeurs,
They confront the real light and its changing effects on colors,
Master of this "open-air school," Monnet, one of the "primitives of the gaze,
Painted the fulgurating impression of the moment lived, enclosing nature in a fancy frame.

Like them, artists, visual artists, creators have deserted galleries and museums,
Taking the key to the fields to install their creations at the edge of a path, a lake,
Realizing their art manifestation in nature to magnify paradisiacal landscapes,
Meadows with languid slopes, streams, waterfalls, for lovers of nature and tranquility.

Inspired by La Fontaine and his fairy Hortésie, an allegory of gardening of yesteryear,
Some creators compete with audacity to revisit the garden from an artistic angle,
Allowing this space to feature feathered aesthetics,
Letting the gardener express the art of his aspirations and inspirations of the moment.

All tastes are in nature, without semantics,
Art and Nature meet, confront and fertilize,
Jean-Marie Chauvet and his companions found their Prehistoric Louvre,
Modern creators have made nature the material of the new world.


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