The Troubadour - Poemes & Diaporama Website L'Arié...Joie

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In the "Land of Cocagne", where the blue of the pastel will make the pink city of the south of Toulouse famous,
The troubadours will sing of love, its charms, its detours, its wounds, of the language they will be the goldsmiths,
They will hum the south, the langue d'oc, that of the sun, the sea, the hills, the Mediterranean landscapes,
They will excel in the songs of the "fin'amor", a kind of religious fervor, a mystical quest for tragic love.

"Alba", the dawn song brings together the two lovers in a dialogue where they experience delicious moments, they come to forget the dawn that appears,
"La canso" exalts courtly love where the poet suggests, at the same time, the sensuality and the idealization of the loved one,
"La cançon de tela", a song to spin or weave, presents a lover who laments the death of her lover, or his entry into the convent,
"La pastourelle" evokes the loves of a lord and a shepherdess who does not let herself be seduced easily.

In the manner of Bernard de Ventadour, the troubadour
When the woods and oak groves are covered with leaves of tender colors,
In the orchards and meadows appear greenery and flowers,
When the birds that were sad are gay under the foliage,
I too sing and exult, I bloom again, I become green again, without age.

When the flower appears among the green foliage, I see the weather clear and serene,
When the sweet song of the birds in the wood soothes my heart in sorrow,
Since the birds sing in their own way, I must go with pride,
I have so much love in my heart, that frost seems to me flower and snow greenery.

                                                                     Guy Pujol says the l’ARIÉ…..JOIE

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